Our Christmas this year was truly magical....
On Christmas Eve morning we woke up to heavy, big, fluffy snow flakes. Lots of them! The dogs had a blast tearing through the snow while AJ was still sleeping. Thankfully the snow stopped mid-afternoon. We visited good friends of my family that evening. When we undressed AJ, someone asked, where's his other hearing aid? Translation: PANIC. We knew he had both of them in when I walked in the house. After a half hour of panicking and swearing everyone (graciously) searching for it...we found it. In the garbage. Ironic?
The conversation then turned to, "So what can he hear with them." Answer: Nothing. "Well then why does he have to wear them?" Answer: It stimulates the auditory nerve. Translation: This is usually where we lose 95% of those people who ask us questions about AJ's deafness and they give us what we call the long "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and then change the subject or move on. Alrighty then.
AJ enjoyed the fan in the kitchen and felt strongly about not going into the living room. On the flip side, my child would walk with whomever offered a hand and if you picked him up to watch the fan-total bonus! He was also quick to find the basement stairs. On the way home, Jer and I had our discussion regular discussion about AJ's hearing aids, etc. Here we are, freaking out about losing something that in all honesty-doesn't help him. By the way, did you know that Brandy Slush with 7Up is really good?
We arrived home just in time to dress AJ in his special Christmas pjs and put out the cookies and milk for Santa...and the carrots for the reindeer. We put him to bed and plopped on the couch to chat. There is just something magical about knowing your child is sleeping and what awaits them in the morning....
We woke up Christmas morning to crisp, cool air and the bright sun. We had breakfast while listening to the Walt Disney Christmas Parade. We took our time opening gifts and much to our amazement, AJ participated. We and Santa had the same idea...he wrapped all of AJ's gifts in bright red paper with snowflakes. We wrapped our gifts for AJ in metallic red paper, to make sure AJ would spot them. He picked up his gifts, tossed them around, ripped the paper, and was truly interested in what the items were.
For a brief moment in our lives, the focus was not AJ's deafness. The developmental progress he has made over the last year was right there in front of us. Last year, I don't remember much of Christmas, except for being in a daze and putting on a smile. I do remember us being very down, knowing he wasn't going to "get it." This year, he still didn't get "IT"...if you are referring to baby Jesus, reindeer, Santa, and candy canes. But we got IT. Watching AJ open his gifts, play with his toys, interact with us and the dogs...was truly magical. Even though we multi-tasked by watching him and doing the video/pics, we both soaked everything in.
Later on in the day we went to my Mom's. AJ was a little upset Great Grandma Annie's TV was blocked by presents. He loves the "snow" channel. :) He decided not to nap that afternoon so by the end of presents he was done for. He loved this hologram paper my Mom had wrapped one of his gifts in...and then came the ride-on airplane. It's propellar lights up. Enough said. At 7pm we drove home with one tired little elf in the backseat. He didn't even wake when I layed him in his crib and changed him into his pjs. (He slept until 9am the next morning....)
Once AJ was in bed, we popped in a movie and started taking things out of boxes, starting a laundry pile. As always, AJ had PT then very next day...so we sorta needed a floor to work on.
What a truly magical Christmas. It was small, quiet, and very enjoyable. In the midst of all the chaos of AJ's world, it was nice to step back and breathe. We can't wait for Christmas next year...when (hopefully) our little man will hear the reindeer on the roof....