We had another IFSP meeting today (IFSP: Individual Family Service Plan) with our county Birth to Three coordinator, AJ's PT, and his EET.
It went very well. We seemed to have picked a great time to do it since AJ's made some great progress in the last two weeks. We've been granted continual services for OT, PT, and Early Education through most of June 2009, ending just before his 3rd Birthday.
AJ's transition meeting will be in March. A representative from our school district will be present, as well as our Birth to Three coordinator. We will begin the process of transitioning in to the school system.
Goals we discussed during the IFSP meeting:
More 2-handed play/midline i.e. playing catch
Putting objects "in"
Work towards pincer grasp
Work toward holding/using crayon and marking paper
Core stability
Increased coordination
Walking on uneven surfaces i.e. from driveway to house
Going up and down stairs
Potty Training
Early Ed
Communication skills
Coming to Mom or Dad for help/when wanting something
Increased signing